Title I information

Title I Field Trip Information

For the past 5 years, the Friends of Washington Crossing Park have been proud to offer our History for All free and reduced-cost programming. Since 2018, History for All has served thousands of students from Title I schools. Combining on-site, virtual, and in-classroom lessons, the History for All program offers students the chance to experience hands-on history both in and outside their classroom.

What is a Title One School?
Title I was developed to guarantee that underprivileged students obtain a just, high-quality education by bridging gaps in educational achievement. Providing funding to economically disadvantaged students allows them to have some of the same learning opportunities that their peers in wealthier school districts enjoy. In order to be eligible, at least 40% of the school’s students must be identified as low income.

What is History for All?
Through our History for All program, FWCP works with multiple schools from Pennsylvania and New Jersey that are in receipt of Title I funding to make our history resources fully available for them. This begins with our already free downloadable lesson plans and activities on our website. Title I schools can receive free or discounted admission to our Colonial Days field trips, where students get a true hands-on experience of history. At Colonial Days, students are surrounded by history, from seeing the site where Washington crossed the Delaware to being taught by our costumed interpreters. Bussing costs can also be offset depending on the availability of funding.

In addition to our on-site field trip opportunities, teachers can bring history to their classroom with our History Chests and virtual lessons. Free and reduced costs for these programs may be available to Title I schools depending on the availability of program funding. Historical Interpreters are also available to facilitate off-site hands-on history programming.

How can you help?

Supporting History for All also allows all students an opportunity to experience history in a whole new way. A contribution of $275 will fund a field trip for 25 students. If you want to support these programs you can fill out our form here.

We are grateful for all our individual donors and  partnerships from the Church and Dwight Employee Giving Fund and several local chapters of the Sons of the American Revolution for their generous support of this program.